Research-related links
The following research-related links provide a growing list of websites on cellular biophysics and statistical physics for further reading.
A few links to websites at LMU Munich
Institute of Infection Medicine and Zoonoses
Biophysics research groups at the Faculty of Physics
A few websites on cell biophysics and biology around the world
Experimental biophysics lab at Princeton (Joshua Shaevitz)
Lab. of cell and tissue morphodynamics at NIH (Claire Waterman)
Cellular biophysics at Jülich (Rudolf Merkel)
Cell migration research in Toronto (Sergey Plotnikov)
Cellular biophysics in Chicago (Margaret Gardel)
Quantitative Cell Biology at WWU Münster (Carsten Grashoff)
Complex fluids and hydrogels at Paris Saclay (François Boulogne)
Research on biofilms in Marburg (Knut Drescher)
Research on morphogenesis by Nicolas Minc
Molecular bioengineering at the BIOTEC Dresden
Immune system and leukocyte migration at IST (Michael Sixt)
Laboratory of applied mechanobiology at the ETH (Viola Vogel)
Molecular and cellular biophysics at the TUM
Physics of cytoskeleton & morphogenesis (Manuel Théry)
Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC)
Biozentrum, University of Basel
Multiscale Physics-Biology-Chemistry and cancer at Institut Curie
A few links to theoretical biophysics groups around the world
Theoretical Soft Matter and Biophysics at Research Center Juelich (Gerhard Gompper)
Institute for Biological Physics at the University of Cologne
Theoretical biophysics at Heidelberg (Ulrich Schwarz)
Statistical and theoretical biophysics in Heidelberg (Dieter W. Heermann)
Statistical physics and soft matter at Stuttgart (Udo Seifert)
Complex fluids research group at Princeton (Howard Stone)
Biological modeling at Princeton (Ned Wingreen)
Biological physics at the MPIPKS Dresden (Frank Jülicher)
Nonlinear dynamics at the MPI for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Goettingen
Physics of complex biosystems at the TUM (Ulrich Gerland)
Quantitative image analysis at UT SouthWestern (Gaudenz Danuser)