Cell Biophysics and Statistical Physics

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    1. Hijacked Immune Cells Traverse Microenvironmental Barriers by Positioning and Pushing their Intracellular Parasite Cargo
      M. Ruiz-Fernandez, J. Jiang, A. Mortazavi, B. Wang, A. Kuznetcov, J. Merrin, M. Meissner, J.Periz, B. Sabass, J. Renkawitz
      preprint, 2024
    1. Traction Force Microscopy with DNA FluoroCubes
      A. Mortazavi, J. Jiang, P. Laric, D. Helmerich, M. Sauer, B. Sabass
      Submitted, 2024
    1. Clutch model for focal adhesions predicts reduced self-stablization under oblique pulling
      A. Braeutigam, A.F. Burnet, G. Gompper, B. Sabass
      Soft Matter - in print, 2024, DOI
    1. Sensory adaptation in a continuum model of bacterial chemotaxis - working range, cost-accuracy relation, and coupled systems
      V. Kharbanda, B. Sabass
      New J. Phys. 26:023045, 2024, DOI
    1. Bacteria Tune a Trade-off between Adhesion and Migration to Colonize Surfaces under Flow
      A.N. Simsek, M.D. Koch, J.E. Sanfilippo, Z. Gitai, G. Gompper, B. Sabass
      PRX Life 2:023003, 2024, DOI, preprint
    1. Shear force enhances adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by counteracting pilus-driven surface departure
      J.-J. S Palalay, A.N. Simsek, B. Sabass, J.E. Sanfilippo
      PNAS 120 (41):e2307718120, 2023, DOI, preprint
    1. Not just a number: what cells feel depends on how they grab it
      B. Sabass, Biophys. J., 2022, DOI
    1. Sparse inference and active learning of stochastic differential equations from data
      Y. Huang*, Y. Mabrouk*, G. Gompper, B. Sabass
      Sci. Rep. 12:21691, 2022, arXiv preprint
    1. Non-equilibrium dynamics of bacterial colonies— growth, active fluctuations, segregation, adhesion, and invasion
      K. Zhou, M. Hennes, B. Maier, G. Gompper, B. Sabass
      Commun. Phys. 5:251, 2022, DOI, arXiv preprint
    1. Generic self-stabilization mechanism for biomolecular adhesions under load
      A. Braeutigam, A.N. Simsek, G. Gompper, B. Sabass
      Nature Commun. 13:2197, 2022, DOI, arXiv preprint
    1. Computational physics of active matter.
      B. Sabass, R.G. Winkler, J. Elgeti, M. Ripoll, G.A. Vliegenthart,T. Auth, D.A. Fedosov, G. Gompper 
      Out-of-Equilibrium Soft Matter: Active Fluids (RSC) Book chapter, 2021
    1. EPB41L5 controls podocyte extracellular matrix assembly by adhesome-dependent force transmission
      J.I. Maier, M. Rogg, M. Helmstädter, A. Sammarco, O. Schilling, B. Sabass ... C. Schell 
      Cell Reports 34(12):108883, 2021, DOI
    1. Quantitative Analysis of Myofibroblast Contraction by Traction Force Microscopy
      R. Yang, F.R. Valencia, B. Sabass, S.V. Plotnikov
      Hinz B., Lagares D. (eds) Myofibroblasts. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2299. Book chapter, 2021, DOI
    1. A Bayesian traction force microscopy method with automated denoising in a user-friendly software package
      Y. Huang, G. Gompper, B. Sabass
      Comp. Phys. Commun. 107313, 2020, DOI , arXiv preprint
    1. Substrate-rigidity dependent migration of an idealized twitching bacterium
      A.N. Simsek, A. Braeutigam, M.D. Koch, J.W. Shaevitz, Y. Huang, G. Gompper, B. Sabass
      Soft Matter, 15.30:6224, 2019, DOI, bioRxiv preprint
    1. Traction force microscopy with optimized regularization and automated Bayesian parameter selection for comparing cells
      Y. Huang, C. Schell, T.B. Huber, A.N. Simsek, N. Hersch, R. Merkel, G. Gompper, B. Sabass
      Sci. Rep. 9(1):539, 2019, DOI, arXiv preprint
    1. Verticalization of bacterial biofilms
      F. Beroz, J. Yan, Y. Meir, B. Sabass, H.A. Stone, B.L. Bassler, N.S. Wingreen
      Nat. Phys. 14:954, 2018, DOI, arXiv preprint
    1. Theory of biological force sensing
      B. Sabass
      Lecture Notes of the 49th IFF Spring School “Physics of Life” (Forschungszentrum Jülich), 2018
    1. ARP3 controls the podocyte architecture at the kidney filtration barrier
      C. Schell, B. Sabass, F. Geist, M. Helmstaedter, A. Abed, M. Yamahara, A. Sigle, J. Frimmel, D. Kerjaschki, H.-H. Arnold, J. Dengjel, M. Rogg, T. Huber
      Dev. Cell, 2018, DOI
    1. Tension sensor multiplexing reveals piconewton force gradient across talin-1
      P. Ringer, A. Weiβl, A.-L. Cost, A. Freikamp, B. Sabass, A. Mehlich, M. Tramier, M. Rief, C. Grashoff
      Nat. Methods 14(11):1090, 2017, DOI
    1. Fluctuating, Lorentz-force-like coupling of Langevin equations and heat flux rectification
      B. Sabass
      Phys. Rev. E 96: 022109, 2017, DOI, arXiv preprint
    1. Force generation by groups of migrating bacteria
      B. Sabass, M.D. Koch, G. Liu, H.A. Stone, J.W. Shaevitz
      PNAS, 114(28):7266, 2017, DOI, arXiv preprint
      News coverage: MIT Technology Review
    1. Calcium oscillations in wounded fibroblast monolayers are spatially regulated through substrate mechanics
      J. Lembong*, B. Sabass*, H.A. Stone
      Phys. Biol. 14(4):045006, 2017, DOI, biorxiv preprint
    1. Role of the membrane for mechanosensing by tethered channels EDITORS' SUGGESTION
      B. Sabass, H.A. Stone
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 116:258101, 2016, DOI, arXiv preprint
    1. Size-dependent control of colloid transport via solute gradients in dead-end channels
      S. Shin, E. Um, B. Sabass, J.T. Ault, M. Rahimi, P.B. Warren, H.A. Stone
      PNAS 113 (2):257-261, 2016, DOI
    1. Extracellular rigidity sensing by talin isoform-specific mechanical linkages
      K. Austen, P. Ringer, A. Mehlich, A. Chrostek-Grashoff, C. Kluger, C. Klingner, B. Sabass, R. Zent, M. Rief, C. Grashoff
      Nat. Cell Biol. 17(12):1597, 2015, DOI
    1. Mechanics regulates ATP-stimulated calcium response in fibroblast cells
      J. Lembong, B. Sabass, B. Sun, M.E. Rogers, H.A. Stone
      J. R. Soc. Interface 12: 20150140, 2015, DOI
    1. Network topology with broken Onsager symmetry allows directional
      and highly efficient energy transfer
      B. Sabass
      EPL 110:20002, 2015, DOI
      An early version of the Letter can be found here.
    1. High resolution traction force microscopy
      S.V. Plotnikov*, B. Sabass*, U.S. Schwarz, C.M. Waterman
      In Waters, J & Wittmann, T., editors. Quantitative Imaging in Cell Biology, Vol 123. Methods in Cell Biology. Elsevier, 2014, DOI
    1. Force fluctuations within focal adhesions mediate ECM-rigidity sensing to guide directed cell migration
      S.V. Plotnikov, A.M. Pasapera, B. Sabass, C.M. Waterman
      Cell 151(7):1513-1527, 2012, DOI
    1. Nonlinear, electrocatalytic swimming in the presence of salt
      B. Sabass, U. Seifert
      J. Chem. Phys. 136:214507, 2012, DOI , arXiv preprint
    1. Dynamics and efficiency of a self-propelled, diffusiophoretic swimmer
      B. Sabass, U. Seifert
      J. Chem. Phys. 136(6):064508, 2012, DOI , arXiv preprint
    1. Cell-ECM traction force modulates endogenous tension at cell-cell contacts
      V. Maruthamuthu, B. Sabass, U.S. Schwarz, M.L. Gardel
      PNAS 108 (12):4708-4713, 2011, DOI
    1. Optimization of traction force microscopy for micron-sized focal adhesions
      J. Stricker, B. Sabass, U.S. Schwarz, M.L. Gardel
      J. Phys: Condens. Matter 22 (19):194104, 2010, DOI
    1. Modeling cytoskeletal flow over adhesion sites: competition between stochastic bond dynamics and intracellular relaxation
      B. Sabass, U.S. Schwarz
      J. Phys: Condens. Matter 22 (19):194112, 2010, DOI
    1. Efficiency of surface-driven motion: nanoswimmers beat microswimmers
      B. Sabass, U. Seifert
      Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (21):218103, 2010, DOI , arXiv preprint
    1. A versatile, multicolor TIRF and confocal microscope system for high-resolution live cell imaging
      W.D. Shin, R.S. Fischer, P. Kanchawong, Y. Kim, J. Lim, K.A. Myers, Y. Nishimura, S.V. Plotnikov, I. Thievessen,D.
      Yarar, B. Sabass, C.M. Waterman
      LIVE CELL IMAGING: A LABORATORY MANUAL, pp. 119-138, 2010. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory press, Cold Spring Harbor, NY
    1. Plasmodium sporozoite motility is modulated by the turnover of discrete adhesion sites
      S. Munter*, B. Sabass*, C. Selhuber-Unkel*, M. Kudryashev, S. Hegge, U. Engel, J.P. Spatz,
      K. Matuschewski, U.S. Schwarz, F. Frischknecht
      Cell Host & Microbe 6 (6):551-562, 2009, DOI
    1. High resolution traction force microscopy based on experimental and computational advances
      B. Sabass, M.L. Gardel, C.M. Waterman, U.S. Schwarz
      Biophys. J 94 (1):207-220, 2008, DOI
    1. Traction stress in focal adhesions correlates biphasically with actin retrograde flow speed
      M.L. Gardel, B. Sabass, L. Ji, G. Danuser, U.S. Schwarz, C.M. Waterman
      J. Cell Biol. 183 (6):999-1005, 2008, DOI

* Authors contributed equally